Dokumentačné stredisko holokaustu Vás pozýva na prednášku o projekte European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI), ktorá sa uskutoční v Nitre 24. apríla v Nitre.
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Pri príležitosti 76. výročia vypravenia prvého transportu Židov zo Slovenska do nacistických koncentračných a vyhladzovacích táborov, vydávame prvé číslo newslettera DSH: Holokaust a súčasnosť.
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Dokumentačné stredisko holokaustu (DSH) je partnerom projektu European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) na Slovensku.
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European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) na nadnárodnej úrovni napomáha výskumu holokaustu, jeho pripomínaniu a vzdelávaniu o ňom.
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In January of 2013 the group of experts conducted the research of the public opinion on a period of Slovak wartime state - so called Aryanization, deportations of Jews and the Holocaust, as well as various aspects of the remembrance of these events. While the collection of data was conducted by the FOCUS agency, the research and evaluation of data was supported by our center.
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Holocaust Documentation Centre (DSH) is a partner organization of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Slovakia. DSH was established in November 2005. Its goals, objectives and activities were built upon the results and overall concept of the eponymous project jointly implemented since 1999 with the Milan Šimečka Foundation and Jewish community in Bratislava.
The main tasks of the Holocaust Doc...
Here are three short films about the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Project
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Editors: Eduard Nižňanský, Ján Hlavinka
Language: Slovak
Year of publishing: 2010
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